Flügger to cover hate with love

We all recognise them. We’ve all seen them – hateful words in our cityscapes. Words that discriminate and oppress. It’s the classic variant of hate speech.

To some, it doesn’t matter; many people barely notice it anymore, but, to a lot of people, the words and messages are hurtful.

With the #FromFlüggerWithLove concept, Flügger wants to make visible and highlight the hate messages we are met with in our urban spaces.

From hateful graffiti to something beautiful, fun and colourful

The #FromFlüggerWithLove concept is that everyone is invited to ‘report’ hate graffiti in public spaces by photographing it and posting it on social media with the hashtag #FromFlüggerWithLove.

Flügger then contacts the local authority and draws attention to the problem. If the local authority so wishes, Flügger covers the hateful graffiti with something beautiful, fun and colourful.

The initiative will be launched in conjunction with WorldPride and Eurogames 2021.

“With #FromFlüggerWithLove, we want to turn hatred into love – and we want to do it using our core product – paint. It’s about accepting that we’re all different – and no one should feel wronged or be yelled at. Being colourful is in Flügger’s DNA, and with #FromFlüggerWithLove we want to use that colourfulness to brighten otherwise harmful messages and change them into something beautiful. Everyone has the right to a life of colour,” says Flügger CEO Sune Schnack.

Colours as a catalyst for dialogue

#FromFlüggerWithLove is one of several initiatives Flügger is presenting as one of the main sponsors of WordPride and Eurogames 2021.

Among other things, Flügger has also launched the ‘Proud to be me’ children’s wallpaper and invited well-known and unknown Danes to decorate benches in the colours of the rainbow, which will invite dialogue during Copenhagen21. Common to all the initiatives is that colours can create joy while being a catalyst for important conversations about equality, diversity, inclusion and the right to be who you are.