Renaissance of the Night – stir your senses in the dark

Flügger and Kunsthal Charlottenborg have been involved in creating a universe which encourages visitors to stop, use their senses, feel the darkness and allow their thoughts to expand.

The artist Kirstine Roepstorff’s total installation Renaissance of the Night guides the visitor through one of the heaviest exhibitions staged by Kunsthal Charlottenborg as concrete and gravel have been used to transform the rooms into a journey through the night. Starting in the twilight, you move through the rooms, becoming increasingly immersed in the darkness and the night. However, the experience is not at all scary or intimidating. With her total installation, Kirstine Roepstorff lets visitors pass through a universe in which they are able to feel and connect with their senses. The focus is on the darkness and the emotions that can arise when moving into rooms where the lighting is not directed at the exhibited works or the visitors.

Darkness and colours experienced by the body

The skylights at Kunsthal Charlottenborg have been covered – and in the innermost rooms Flügger has helped to create the depth-of-night atmosphere. Kirstine Roepstorff explains: “In the darkness you will find a complete spectrum of colours – but you experience them differently to when they are seen in daylight. When working with colours, I’m aware that they don’t actually exist. After all, like everything else, they’re only created inside our heads through our sense of vision. Each colour is a different vibration at different frequencies, which via our eyes tells our brains that they can be recognised as being red, blue, yellow. However, our entire bodily system is, of course, also a vibrating field – and it absorbs colours in a completely different way. Therefore, the colour-therapeutic interface is extremely interesting because colour affects us in a way which our intellect does not really recognise. This allows you to talk to other layers of consciousness – in other words, by using colour you can control to some extent how people perceive the works in different rooms.”

A journey through a universe that speaks to the senses

At Flügger, there is a great deal of excitement about how the installation will be received by visitors. Flügger’s brand ambassador, Lone Nordby, says: “At Flügger, we’re thrilled at being able to help create a different experience, and hope that it can help spark visitors’ thoughts on how colour, darkness and light affect us.”

The installation Renaissance of the Night is an opportunity to re-awaken your senses in new ways. The installation is on display at Kunsthal Charlottenborg until 12 August 2018.

Read more about the exhibition on Kunsthal Charlottenborg’s website.

About the artist


Kirstine Roepstorff (b. 1972) was educated at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (1994-2001) and at Rutgers University, Mason Gross School of the Arts (MFA), USA (2000).

In 2017, she represented Denmark in the Danish pavilion at the 57th International Art Biennale in Venice.


Kirstine Roepstorff’s work has been exhibited in many parts of Europe and the USA.

Her works are on display in the permanent exhibitions at MoMA, New York (US), at the Saatchi Gallery, London (UK), at the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo (NO), and at the National Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen (DK).