Twin silos in Aalborg painted with Flügger paint

Using Flügger paints, old factory buildings are turned into works of art. This time, the twin silos at Eternitten in Aalborg, Denmark, are being decorated by the artist Jonas Pihl.

The summer will see a hive of activity at the twin silos at Eternitten in Aalborg. Eternitten is the site of an old cement fibreboard factory, which has now been redeveloped for residential purposes, offices and retail outlets. However, the decision was made to retain some of the factory’s original buildings, including the twin silos.

The scaffolded twin silos are now being decorated with a colourful work of art by the artist Jonas Pihl. The artwork will be painted by trainee house painters and decorators from TECHCOLLEGE in Aalborg with paint sponsored by Flügger. Projects such as these are a chance for the trainees to practise their painting skills. On previous occasions, such projects have helped to secure traineeships for the trainee house painters and decorators involved. Like in 2016, when Flügger participated in a project that involved painting a 1,200-square-metre artwork on the Hedegaard silo on the Aalborg harbour front.

Arty landmark for the city

It’s not just paint that Flügger is contributing to these works of art. The Flügger shop on Håndværkervej in Aalborg has advised on which paint to use for the two projects. Shop assistant Kenneth Madsen says: “It’s been fun to follow the two projects. And it’s exciting to be involved in creating distinctive landmarks for the city which we can be proud of.”

Flügger is very pleased with the jury’s choice of motif which Jonas Pihl has created for the twin silos. Flügger’s brand ambassador Lone Nordby says: “With his Tvillingerne motif, Jonas Pihl has managed to tie Aalborg’s past as an industrial city with its future as a city of knowledge. At Flügger, we hope that the people of Aalborg will appreciate their new and colourful landmark whenever they drive past.”

Traineeships for TECHCOLLEGE students

TECHCOLLEGE is pulling out all the stops and actively participating in the project. College students from as many as 10 different lines of specialisation have been involved in the project. For example, the graphic design and media line has been responsible for documenting the progress of the project from start to finish with images that can be viewed at

For this project as for previous projects, the motif is being painted by trainee house painters and decorators from TECHCOLLEGE – and at the end of May two of the students were taken on as trainees by an established master house painter and decorator. Lone Nordby adds: “We’re also very proud that this project helps the skilled house painter and decorator students from TECHCOLLEGE, and we hope that it’ll help them in their future careers.”

The motif is being painted during the summer, and will be unveiled in September. The date will be announced later, as timings will depend on the weather.

The project partners are:

Jyske Bank, Plus Bolig, Flügger, TECHCOLLEGE and Stjerne Stilladser.

Artist: Jonas Pihl –

TECHCOLLEGE’s project website:

Photographs by TECHCOLLEGE, Jyske Bank and Flügger.



The twin silos are seen daily by many passers-by as they sit close to the Sønderbro road – one of the main thoroughfares into Aalborg city centre.

Jonas Pihl’s artwork Tvillingerne depicts, among other things, two Cimbrian bulls, which are a reference to the Cimbrian bull on Vesterbro, another of Aalborg’s main roads. The artist’s point of departure is clearly the building – the twin silos – as well as the competition brief.

The motif also had to depict the changes of the times and the developments taking place, while at the same time strengthening the experience of the site and the surrounding area.


The artist - Jonas Pihl