Old / new colour in the former laundry facility at Sundholm

The Factory of Art and Design (Fabrikken for Kunst og Design) is placed in Sundholm – an area in Copenhagen which contains many old-style institutional and factory-like buildings. The Factory of Art and Design has 53 studios and workshops for professional artists and designers. Here, everything is produced from video art, photo, painting and poetry to sculptures, furniture and couture.

The production/exhibition hall in The Factory needed to be painted – and Flügger helped in defining the original colour. The history of the building which houses The Factory goes 80 years back. And the Sundholm area is even older.

The Sundholm neighborhood

Sundholm was built in 1909 as an asylum for persons who had difficulties in taking care of themselves, such as vagabonds, criminals or prostitutes. They were sentenced to live in the asylum and forced to labor in Sundholms many workshops and small industries.

In 1938 a large laundry facility was built, and the workforce came from Sundholm. Around 100 men and women worked in the laundry facility that provided clean linen for hospitals in Copenhagen. In 1976 the last asylum individual was placed at Sundholm and in the 1980’s the laundry industry stopped.

In the 1990’s squatters took over the building, and with help from the City of Copenhagen it became an activation center for young unemployed. In 2000 a group of artists formed a foundation that today owns The Factory which is a cooperation of studios.

Old / new colour for the production hall

In the 1000 m2 production hall in the middle the laundry facility the shed roof provides a fantastic light. The accommodating hall with the light blue walls is today used as both a production hall for the artists in The Factory and for external artists who need a large facility in production of their artwork. The production hall is also used as an exhibition hall.

The production hall is being renovated on an ongoing basis – and the walls strongly needed a new layer of paint. With the help of Flüggers colour technician the original wall colour was in May 2018 re-developed and was given the name Sundholm, after the former asylum and laundry facilities.