Trondheim district gets a facelift with Flügger paint at Trondheim Street Art Festival

In 2016, the Municipality of Trondheim launched an ideas competition on how to make the city more attractive. Andrea Rakela and her team submitted the winning proposal, which involved decorating the Ila district with street art by holding a street art festival.

The Trondheim district of Ila lies close to the city centre, and is an area which cruise ship passengers pass through on their way into town. The district has several industrial properties which needed a coat of paint, so that passers-by would be able to experience a more interesting urban space.

Trondheim’s citizens voted on which proposal was best – and it was Andrea Rakela’s that won.

International and Norwegian artists participated
Subsequently, Andrea began contacting international street art artists and local artists who could contribute in the days leading up to the festival, which took place for the first time in August 2018. Sixteen artists participated, and they all played their part in transforming some of Ila’s shabbiest gables and walls, giving them a spectacular boost with colours and quirky motifs.

The most famous of the street art artists was Millo, who is well known for his monochromatic motifs with splashes of bright colour. On one large gable near Ila’s harbour front, he painted a massive mural with the title What you don’t see. Millo commands considerable respect for never using either sketches or grids when painting his huge gable motifs. He always has the final image in his head, and doesn’t paint a single stroke wrong during the entire process.

Local support crucial when decorating urban spaces
The purpose of the street art festival was to give passing tourists an experience – but also for local residents to be able to enjoy art in their daily lives. “It’s important that the local population accepts the art in the neighbourhood, so they feel a sense of connection to it,” says festival leader Andrea Rakela. “It’s something that can enrich their daily routines. When walking or driving past a large wall covered in a blaze of colour, it gives your mood a boost, and who knows – perhaps it helps people to cope and get through a hard day.”

Flügger is delighted to be able to support the project in Trondheim: “There’s no doubt that colour makes a big difference to how people experience an urban space. In Trondheim, the Ila district needed a facelift – and it has been wonderful participating in a project with the support of the Municipality of Trondheim and the local residents, who were really keen about the wall murals,” says Lone Nordby, a brand ambassador at Flügger.

Read more about the Trondheim Street Art Festival here.